The invasion is here!

Magical Midlife Invasion dropped on November 17th! The third book in the Leveling Up series brings back the Ivy House crew, plus a visit from Jessie’s parents and of course, hilarity ensues.

“It’s from your mother. She wants to come visit.” I froze, only one step having been taken. “What do you mean she wants to come visit? How— Did you read my mail?” “What an amazing singing range you must have, miss, with the vocal pitch of that last question.” Mr. Tom sniffed.”

Don’t worry though, there’s plenty of steam and romance as things between Austin Steele and Jessie heat up. Will Austin be able to give Jessie that perfect date he’s promised?

“His tone was light and teasing, his eyes sparkling and bright. I couldn’t look away, my heart speeding up at the raw intensity I saw lurking just beneath the surface. The world around us seemed to slow, and then it dropped away entirely—his focus applied solely to me, and mine to him. Heat blistered through me before pooling down low, pounding. Aching. Manifesting from those suddenly intense, beautiful cobalt-blue eyes. “I never did take you on that perfect date we talked about,” he said softly, his sweet breath dusting my lashes.”

 If you haven’t started the Leveling Up books yet, check out the first book in the series, Magical Midlife Madness, and get ready to buckle up for a Magical Midlife ride! 

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